
Showing posts from October, 2020

Base64 Algorithm

  Introduction              -----> Base64 encoding is used to c onvert binary data into a text-like format that allows it to be transported in environments that can handle only text safely.               -----> Base64 is sometimes also refered to as PEM , which stands for Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail . There, Base64 was used to create printable text again after binary e-mail data that was generated during the e-mail encryption process.   How it works               Base64 encoding takes the original binary data and operates on it by dividing it into tokens of three bytes . A byte consists of eight bits, so Base64 takes 24bits in total. These 3 bytes are then converted into four printable characters from the ASCII standard.  The first step is to take the three bytes (24...

Base64 Algorithm

  Introduction              -----> Base64 encoding is used to c onvert binary data into a text-like format that allows it to be transported in environments that can handle only text safely.               -----> Base64 is sometimes also refered to as PEM , which stands for Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail . There, Base64 was used to create printable text again after binary e-mail data that was generated during the e-mail encryption process.   How it works               Base64 encoding takes the original binary data and operates on it by dividing it into tokens of three bytes . A byte consists of eight bits, so Base64 takes 24bits in total. These 3 bytes are then converted into four printable characters from the ASCII standard.  The first step is to take the three bytes (24...

Selfie Camera Hack

 Selfie Camera Hack   Here in this post your are going learn about the selfie Camera hacks and this can be done by the tool named as CamPhish. And this can in kali linux as well as in termux android terminal now I am going to use kali machine for this phishing attack. Lets get started First of open your terminal in kali or in termux application. Run the commends to install the requirements for this tool. Installing and requirements This tool require PHP for webserver, SSH or serveo link. First run following command on your terminal apt-get -y install php openssh git wget    And these are the commends to download and run the tool now type the below commend and press enter to download the tool. git clone   cd CamPhish   bash     And now navigate to the tool's folder using cd commend!  Other Linux commends:   Now we have do...

Encryption And Decryption

Encryption And Decryption   # Encryption is the process of converting normal message (plaintext) into meaningless message (Ciphertext).  # Decryption is the process of converting meaningless message (Ciphertext) into its original form (Plaintext).           Types of encryption CRYPTOGRAPHY E ncryption algorithm  An encryption algorithm along with a key is used in the encryption and decryption of data. There are several types of data encryptions which form the basis of network security. Encryption schemes are based on block or stream ciphers.   Encryption key.          A sequence of values that are used with a cipher algorithm to encrypt a message. The choice of random (or cryptographically pseudorandom) keys, a secure key exchange mechanism, frequent key refreshments, and good secrecy protection of keys are all essential ingredients for the security of the integrity verifica...

Wi-Fi Hacking

Wi-Fi Hacking        Wifi hacking is essentially cracking the security protocols in a wireless network, granting full access for the hacker to view, store, download, or abuse the wireless network. Usually, when someone hacks into a Wifi, they are able to observe all the data that is being sent via the network. List of Best WiFi Hacking Apps for Android 1. Aircrack-ng 2. Kali Linux Nethunter 3. WiFi WPS WPA Tester 4. dSploit 5. Nmap 6. Arpspoof 7. WiFi Inspect 8. Network Spoofer 9. WiFi Kill 10.’s NetCut 11. WIBR+ 12. WPS connect 13. ZAnti Penetration Testing Android Hacking Toolkit 14. Fing Network Tools 15. WIFI Analyzer     Let’s begin! So, to begin with the hack first I had to search for different WiFi signals in the nearby area, there were a few of them.   Once, I checked for the WiFi networks then I turned on my Kali machine to hack into one of these networks. I opened up my terminal and typed in   Wifite is the tool w...
